Blueprint for a Healthy Nation


June 18, 2014—The rise of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic diseases threatens not just the health of Americans but the nation’s “economic competitiveness, national security, and position as a world power,” according to a new report by the Vitality Institute Commission on Health Promotion and the Prevention of Chronic Disease in Working-Age Americans.

A yearlong series of meetings between 25 leaders from the corporate sector, foundations, nonprofits, government and academia, including Dean Linda P. Fried, provided the foundation for the report’s findings, including five recommendations to “catalyze a widespread culture of health in America”:

  1. Invest in prevention science.
  2. Strengthen and expand leadership to deliver a unified message for health and prevention.
  3. Make markets work for health promotion and prevention.
  4. Integrate health metrics into corporate reporting.
  5. Promote strong cross-sector collaborations that generate a systemic increase in health promotion and prevention across society.

[For the full article, click on the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health link, above.]

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