
Five Smarts for a Healthy Heart

By Vitality

Your heart works hard for you every day—so why not show it some love? Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S., but the good news is that many risk factors are within your control.

This February, in honor of Heart Health Month, take simple yet powerful steps to support your heart health. From the foods you eat to how you move your body and manage stress, small changes can add up to a stronger, healthier heart and future.

Ready to get started? Here are five heart-healthy habits you can incorporate into your routine this month and beyond:

  • Hydrate properly to support overall cardiovascular health and help your muscles work more efficiently.
  • Exercise with varying intensity, aiming for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of high-intensity activity weekly.
  • Avoid smoking and limit alcohol to reduce your risk of cardiovascular diseases like strokes and heart attacks.
  • Reduce your sodium intake to keep your blood pressure and weight within a healthy range.
  • Track your biometric results with your primary care physician and create a care plan if needed.

Adopting these heart-healthy habits can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your overall wellbeing. Let’s make Heart Health Month the start of a healthier, more vibrant life!

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