
How Vitality is Giving Back this Giving Tuesday

By Emily LaHood-Olsen
Giving Tuesday blocks with red heart on laptop - Vitality

As days grow shorter and temperatures fall, many of us begin preparing for our favorite winter traditions. We swap fresh salads for hearty stew recipes and pull heavy blankets out of storage. Twinkle lights and fireplaces bring soft glows to long evenings, and many gather with family and friends for the holidays. Winter is a time of year for warm comforts and community. It is also a season marked by generosity and giving back.

At Vitality, one of our core values is to be a Force for Good in the world. We know that wellness is not limited to fitness and nutrition but also includes the wellbeing of our communities. The mission of Vitality’s SoWell team, a group focused on promoting employee wellbeing at Vitality, is to create a healthy working community of engaged and connected employees by promoting employee mental, financial and physical health at Vitality. One of SoWell’s subcommittees, aptly named “SoGiving,” provides opportunities and resources to Vitality employees to engage with our community and protect our planet. This year Vitality’s SoGiving committee is excited to announce the return of two initiatives for the fall. Vitality is once again coordinating an “Adopt-A-Family” campaign through the Children’s Place Association to buy gifts and supplies for local Chicago families in need. We also are matching employee donations and volunteer hours with our charitable partner, My Block My Hood My City.

As we enter this cold season, how do you hope to bring warmth to your neighbors and loved ones? Here are five ideas.

  1. Donate warm clothes and toiletries to a shelter or service center that works with people experiencing housing insecurity. Socks are especially helpful donations during the cold months. If you make any food donations, consider donating soft foods that are easy to chew (ex. bananas instead of apples).
  2. Sign up to volunteer at a nonprofit in your area. Many social service agencies get swamped with volunteers during the holiday season, so mark your calendars to volunteer in the warm months, as well!
  3. Do you have a neighbor who has been isolated in these COVID times? Drop off a home-cooked meal on their doorstep.
  4. Contact a local nursing home to see if any residents would appreciate holiday cards. This is a great activity to do with kids, as they can draw pictures and write messages!
  5. If you are able, make a monetary donation to a social service agency in your area. Be sure to ask your employer if they match donations!  

From our Vitality family to yours, we wish you a safe, healthy, and joyful holiday season!

Emily LaHood-Olsen, a member of Vitality’s partner relations team, is a former social justice educator. She comes to Vitality from DePaul University, where she coordinated community service and social justice programming for students. Emily loves rollerblading, writing poetry, and going on spontaneous outdoor adventures with her toddler.  

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