A well-rounded warm-up with dynamic movements is an important component of any fitness routine, setting the stage for a safer and more effective workout. But optimizing your performance begins long before you step into the gym or hit the trail! According to the American Sport and Fitness Association, adopting five key healthy habits into your daily lifestyle can significantly enhance the quality and outcomes of your workouts. Here’s how to elevate your fitness journey through healthy lifestyle changes:
Catch enough ZZZ’s
Getting enough sleep should be prioritized for both your physical and mental wellbeing. Sleep aids in recovery and repair, making your body stronger and your mind more productive and alert the following day. Studies show that adults require between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night, but quality is just as important as quantity! Create a consistent wind-down routine that helps you relax at night to signal your mind and body that it’s time to rest.
Fuel Your Fitness
Choose nutritious foods to give you energy to power through your workout session. Complex carbohydrates are a great energy source, while protein helps build your muscles. As a rule of thumb, try to limit processed foods and refined sugars. What you eat after your workout is just as important as what you eat beforehand. In your post-workout meals, include a balance of proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats to replenish the energy stores that you may have depleted in your training session.
Healthy Hydration
Drinking enough water throughout the day helps to regulate your body temperature, aids in digestion, flushes out toxins and supports your overall health. Drink enough water to maintain a level of hydration that will not hinder your performance. Sip on water before, during and after your workout so that you do not get to the point of excessive thirst. In the process of sweating, your body is able to cool itself, but you will need to replenish the fluids and electrolytes lost. To avoid dehydration, especially in warmer temperatures, remember to rehydrate by drinking enough water throughout the rest of the day.
Stay Focused
There are a few other things to consider to make your workouts successful and enjoyable. Take some time to reflect and determine what goals you are aiming to achieve. Are you looking to build strength? Run a 5K or half marathon? Increase your flexibility? Recovery from an injury? Once you know what you’re working toward, create a plan to keep you focused and motivated to stay on track toward reaching your overall goals.
Have a Little Fun
Finally, remember to make it fun! The workout routine that you are most likely to stick with is the one that you enjoy and look forward to doing. Surround yourself with training partners that encourage you. Play motivating music to keep you going when you start to feel tired. Celebrate your successes along the way as you build your routine to better health.
The success of your next workout depends on how well you prepare and recover. Take the time to get enough sleep, stay hydrated and fuel your body well. Pack your workout clothes and gym bag and bring along a positive mindset. Know that your efforts will reward you with ongoing health and longevity.