Partner Relations: A Non-obvious Engagement Force

By Anastasia Henderson

When thinking of a Partner Relations department, one may assume that such a department concentrates on only two obvious pieces:  partnerships and the relationships that come with them. This assumption, however, couldn’t be further from the truth.

In actuality, Vitality’s Partner Relations department is an integral unit committed to increasing and sustaining member engagement behind the scenes. After all, engagement in the Vitality program is key to making our members healthier, and to enhance and protect their lives. While Partner Relations works each day with a multitude of internal and external parties on a variety of projects, we strive to stay centered by keeping Vitality’s mission statement at heart when executing all tasks and interactions.

With this objective in mind, there are four specific areas on which we aim our concentration to ensure that we’re promoting member engagement to the best of our ability:

  1. Building strategic partnerships: By forming unique relationships that cater to the mutual needs and visions of Vitality and each of our partners, we are able to collaborate on progressive breakthroughs in the wellness industry. We strive to form a sense of trust and transparency, so that any idea resulting in the benefit of members is met with possibility.] The same tactics are also applied while identifying and evaluating potential partners.
  2. Offering innovative and cutting edge partner products: We work vigorously to ensure that our members are consistently presented with trailblazing products and benefits. We realize the importance of having rewarding incentives available to those who change their lives by participating in our program.
  3. Developing and maintaining seamless integrations: Alongside our partners, we spend time and effort ensuring that all integrations are infallible and of the highest quality. Our aim is to make certain that each member’s experience is efficient and intuitive in nature.
  4. Replacing poor processes with optimal solutions: If we conclude that certain processes are no longer serving our members, we explore all viable solutions until an ideal replacement is found and agreed upon. It’s vital that we keep our processes fresh, and that we respect the time members put towards participating in our program by eliminating excess waste.

In conclusion, each of the above is completed with the hope of creating an insatiable desire for our members to begin or continue to actively participate in our program. While the Partner Relations department certainly isn’t the most obvious driver of engagement, we gladly accept our responsibility to continue providing the best to our members, and to ultimately carry out Vitality’s mission while doing so.

Anastasia Henderson, Vitality Partner Relations Manager, expert salad maker and farmer’s market devotee, enjoys helping others, is first to try the latest wellness trends.




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